Since Bernard Schussecks presentation at “symfony Day Cologne”, talking about lime and using sqlite memory tables for unit tests, I was wondering HOW TO DO IT
Well, there was not much talk about the how… of course this must be known to everybody – such an easy task. (Find yourself some <irony> tags to put around this).
Well, at least I did not have a clue how to do it and did not find too much information on it in the web…
So, spending some more time with testing and some rare tutorials on it, I finally made it work!!
And for you and me and everybod else, I’ll note it down for reference…
- We are using symfony and doctrine
- In test/fixtures we have a/some yml files with test data
First, we need to set up the test connection to use sqlite:MEMORY:
In your config/database.yml add
test: sqlitetest: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: classname: DebugPDO dsn: 'sqlite::memory:'
(yes, ::)
Now, lets assume (accoding to the Jobeet tutorial Day 8 ) we have a
Now, the important part is to not only LOAD the data but first create the tables:
include(dirname(__FILE__).'/unit.php'); $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration( 'frontend', 'test', true); new sfDatabaseManager($configuration); Doctrine::createTablesFromModels(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../lib/model'); Doctrine::loadData(sfConfig::get('sf_test_dir').'/fixtures');
Now, in our test files we can simply call
include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php'); $t = new lime_test(4); //change it with the number of tests you have
Took me quite some time to figure it out – really simpe – if you know how…