Today, I spent a lot of time figuring out, why my tables did not want to relate and adding a new entry resulted in errors with KEY CONSTRAINTS.
In the end, I believe it was because my tables where using differen MySQL DB enginges. THe existing tables where InnoDB, but the newly created fos_user table was using default MyISAM.
Manually switching the fos_user to InnoDB as well made it possible to have the relations being set up correctly.
Damn, took a while to figure it out. Ideally, the propel:reverse as well as the existing FOSBundle schema files would create/contain the corresponding entries so it would be more obvious… Pull Request anyone?
Anyway… after looking at my exisitng DB design again and again, I decided… NO, I’ll change everything. There is not much use in trying to adopt to the old design.
I’d rather redesign the tables and then, for the migration of the old data, create a script to bridge and convert.
So, I played with my schema.xml again and again and then migrated and now my tables are mostly empty, to start from scratch… let’s fill them next week