Been some time… but I want to move on now.
Last thing I wanted to understand and solve is how to create relations between my existing tables (with relations) and the User table/class create by FOS User Bundle.
The whole “problem” is: I’m creating my own bundle where my app should be in, and I already recreated a propel schema from the existing db in that bundle.
FOSUserBundle has it’s own schema (and model classes) in it’s schema directory, and now the question: How to relate them so I can benefit from the generated code of propel.
Is it as simple as setting the relations “like always” only in two different files? Let’s see. In my case, I have “users” that can have “events”, so this would be a relation.
To make it a little more complex, I was not using “simple” ids, but “ident_ids”, which are a long random string that was stored in a cookie to provide an easy (not so secure) type of identification.
Means: My FOS-User needs an additional column, being the “ident_id” – and this should be relating to the ident_id of the events table…
Let’s give it a try and add a column to the FOS User schema.xml
<column name="ident_id" type="varchat" size="255" required="true" />
And now add the relation in my schema.xml of my bundle
<foreign-key foreignTable="fos_user" name="user_FK_1">
<reference local="ident_id" foreign="ident_id"/>
<index name="user_FI_1">
<index-column name="ident_id"/>
I decided I might have to use “fox-User” as the foreign table, not the PhpName user. We’ll see.
Well, my first php app/console propel:model:build
failed, because I wrote “varchat” as column type, but I managed to solve this. And then the build succeeded. Did I get what I wanted?
When thinking about how to test it, I managed to realize that I don’t even HAVE a fos_user table in my DB yet, so it’s time for some propel migrations.
php app/console propel:migration:gen
creates a migration file for me that reveals it is going to prepare a fos_user table (including an idend_id column), a fos_group and a fos_user_group table. All right, migrate!
So, I need some data and I register on my website using the /register path created by the FOSUserBundle. Then, with phpmyadmin, I wanted to relate this new user (by adding an ident_id) to my related table – and mysql responds with “key constraint failed”…. hmpf, somethings wrong. What? We’ll see next time