My journey, starting a rewrite of an exisitng project from scratch with Symfony2
Step 1: Get the framework:
composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition path
After giving my VM some more RAM (512MB wasn’t enough) it succeeded.
Step 2: Get rid of Doctrine and grab Propel
So I edit the composer.json file and delete the two doctrine lines (if someone other lib needs doctrine/common for annotations, they will solve the dependency, right?
Then add "propel/propel-bundle": "1.1.*"
to the file instead, as stated on
Then I run “composer.phar update” and it updates my monolog, removes doctrine and installs propel, its bundle and phing.
After that, however, the symfony cache update fails – if course, I removed Doctrine which is configured somewhere in the the Kernel.
So I remove the Doctrine line from app/AppKernel.php and all doctrine stuff from app/config/config.yml – and HOORAY, my app/console is green again
Step 3: Does it work?
My webserver is already configured to check for an app.php in the web subfolder, so it works – but first I’ll add my IP to app_dev.php so I can see all the debug beauty of Symfony2
Checking the Debug toolbar I notice Propel is missing – of course, I need to add it to the kernel where I kicked out Doctrine
So I add new Propel\PropelBundle\PropelBundle(),
to app/AppKernel.php where I commented Doctrine befor, and app/console knows some good old Propel commands now.
Step 4: Freeze this into git
This is a good start, so I want to get this status into git. I’m surprised to see that there IS already a lot of git-information in the directory, being the symfony2 history.
Quick fix, rm -rf .git and git init again, here I come. On the plus side, I already have a nice .gitignore š
git add .; git commit -m “Fresh start”