I’m getting old and I’m old fashioned.
I’m still using mysql, not mongoDB.
I’m using php and apache, not node.js, ruby, python or lighttpd, nginx or ….
And I’m using propel again (1.5), not doctrine. AND I’M LOVING IT!!
After #sfdaycng 2009, the presentations and talks there, I forced myself to giving Doctrine a try and really liked it then. A lot of reading through documentation in the beginning if you are new to it, but hey, that’s normal. However, today, even when writing a simple query, I still have to consult the docs. Why? The syntax seems not to be “my style” somehow, it won’t fit into my type of writing code.
But there is such a HUGE difference between Doctrine and Propel and Doctrine is SO MUCH BETTER
Is it? Do I care what’s inside if I’m only querying a database without using all possibilities? Remember sfLive 2010?
“Is Doctrine re-inventing propel” Hahaha LOL ROFL LMAO
At this years big symfony conference #sflive2010, in a Q&A session about Doctrine2, a poor guy obviously asked the question, that made it into a big running gag: “Are you trying to re-invent propel?”
I have to admit and regret that I was not there, but if you followed the #sflive2010 hashtag on twitter, it was not very long until this got tweeted over and over again. And everybody was making fun of it…
Sure, it is kind of funny to ask @jwage, (lead) developer of Doctrine that question… But hey? What’s really so funny about it?
While everybody in the audience laughed, it really would have been interesting to
a) see how many were trying to smirk, wondering whats so funny about that
b) know how many would have been able to give a good reply on that?
And with “good reply” I mean, explain the difference.
And with “difference” I mean, explain it beyond
- “doctrine has the schema.yml and the model classes in a subfolder”
- “propel uses two classes User and UserPeer, doctrine has User and UserTable”
- “propel has a criteria object, doctrine a query object”
If you started with symfony 1.0 as a developer that did not work with frameworks like symfony before (like I did), everthing is “symfony” – may it be propel, phing, creole, PDO, … and getting into these differences was not really worth it in the first place if you wanted to get started with writing your first applications.
What I’m trying to say: I guess that a lot of symfony developers out there don’t know or care about “Doctrine” vs “Propel” – they use the default. And they call it “symfony”, thinking that it belongs to it. If they started with symfony <1.2, they’ll use propel, now they use doctrine – because it’s the default. You learn it, you use it, you stick to it.
And I sticked to propel throughout 1.2. And it was quite save for me getting along ignoring Doctrine. Just then, when I started using Doctrine after #sfdaycgn I found new things, new approaches, things I liked, things I had to learn and a lot of stuff I could not get the hang of.
So now, with propel 1.5 and the new Query objects, I gave it a try and was so excited, I decided to come back to Propel. Just because it “feels like home” and fits my personal style of thinking/coding.
And of course both ORMs have their features and behaviours and at #sfdaycng Doctrine had more of them and so on… But I also assume that a lot of those features are beyond most everyday developer’s needs
But Propel is dead
Oh no, it’s not!!!
With the new 1.5 it REALLY got amazingly easy to write your code, extend your Query Model and easy query creation. 1.6 is on it’s way and 2.0 was just recently announced to be based on Doctrine2, as a layer on top, providing the usability features… that’s something we will have to wait for, but I does sound very good.
But Benchmarks show that…
So what? I couldn’t care less. Why should I? I am not running sites that have gazillions of users with quadrubillions of tables and hexafoobarillions of rows – I don’t care if grabbing all posts with a certain topic and tag for a given user takes 111 ms or 132 ms. But I do care if I have to consult the docs for writing that query because I couldn’t remember the syntax or – on the other hand – my IDE (yeah, right, eclipse, I’m REALLY old fashioned) nearly automagically creates the query for me.
But what are you actually trying to say?
- Most developers don’t need benchmarks to find their ORM – it’s about own style and preference (or customer specs, but thats another story)
- Some symfony developers might not even have thought about giving “the other one” a try.
- Personally, I get along with propel 1.5 better
- I’m getting old
So, if you know Doctrine, give Propel 1.5 a try.
If you only use Propel, give Doctrine a try.
And if you still use Propel 1.4 – MAN!!! Get the 1.5!!!
Any comments appreciated, I really like to see what I’m missing
PS: I’m even more old fashioned: I’m using vi – not vim, but eclipse with the vi plugin. Why? REAL code completion! A wonderful thing with propel 1.5!