Planned something new: KaroAPI

Planning, planning, planning…
Last night I read some stuff about RESTful applications… and of course, quickly, the following plan came to my mind: I need it! Somewhere!
And of course, as always, the best baby for testing and applying new techniques is
So I decided I need a KaroAPI, using RESTful approaches.

Digging through it, the next question came: Should I use XML or JSON for the output? Or both?

JSON has the advantage to be shorter, I like it better AND: It could be used in a new JavaScript based frontend. Imagine to simply to a AJAX/JSON request for the details of a game and nicely format the data in a Browser.

XML, older, more widely spread, is more commonly used and maybe can be parsed with some clients more easily – and applying XLS/XLST it could also be readable and nicely formatted for humans.

Next thought was: “Well – offer both” – creating an object with PHP and then either apply a json_encode or XML_Serialize should not be a big deal, right?
Well, we would see…

And not enough of all the big plans, I thought I could give symf Symfony2 a try.

Big plan, draft 0.3:

  • KaroAPI
  • JSON and XML representation of data (for bots, clients and other KaroTools)
  • use Symfony2 for the implementation

Added to the todo list… the big problem – already so much on this list. And I never manage to do it one by one, but get distracted by so many other interesting things…
Like, lately, when I introduced APE into the chat. But, Hey, I did not even blog on that yet…

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