A New Hope

Hope… I hope George Lucas and Darth Vader won’t sue me for this title…

This new hope is: My own custom wordpress installation will give mewhat I want and what I need.

I found WordPress quite fancy to use when I created xosofox.wordpress.com – but I wanted to have my stuff on my machine on my domain. So I moved my Blog from WP to symfony and the sfBlogPlugin.

Unfortunatley, the plugin was not really maintained, I had problems with spam… and I did not want to spend too much time into fixing everything.

So I decided to give WordPress another try, installing it on my own machine/server. Somtehing new to learn and use…

However, I will copy/move/recreate all old posts that I did into this new blog so they do not get lost… might confuse the date, but who cares…

So, let’s see how this works out.

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